This space is a catalog of my teaching and professional career, including some the directing I’ve done for Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Drama. In it you will find photos, links, my Curriculum Vitae, my coaching and directing Résumés, my Professional Statement, a visual of the many places I have taught, and other materials related to my teaching. I am fortunate enough to stay very busy, and although it looks as if I can't stay in any one place for very long, the actual truth is that in the thirty-six years I have held full-time employment, I have only had three ‘homes’: the National Theatre Conservatory at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Denver, Colorado (1985-2005), the Shakespeare Theatre Company's Academy for Classical Acting at The George Washington University, Washington, DC (2005-2016), and the Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2016-). Since 1994, I have been a faculty member of Canada's National Voice Intensive, now the Moving Voice Institute, an on-going exploration of the actor's voice.